Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 11 Grand Canyon to Austin Texas

I awoke to a beautiful day. The sun was out, it was warm and a nice breeze kept it just the perfect temperature.

We drove to several look out points to see the Canyon. Words and pictures can't describe the scale of this place. What surprised me was how close you can get to the edge, one slip and you're a goner. Of course we tempted fate and crept out to better but sketchy vantage points.

The landscape was quite arid and pretty similar terrain the whole way.

The landscape was lots of flat areas with large land humps.

Tempe University

After hanging out a couple of hours we began our long drive south to Phoenix and Tucson Arizona. They're not that biggest of cities but they had a hazy cloud of pollution hovering over them. It was really noticeable in Tucson.

The sunset was pretty awesome.

All I ate was garbage today. Good food doesn't seem to be available leaving me no choice but eat at Wendy's and Taco Bell. I'm disgusted with myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Appropriate application of the italic format. Well done, cheer-e-o. And the Canyon is okay too