Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 8–Hollywood and Hypebeast Alley

Today we decided to head out and do some touristy stuff. No trip is complete without hitting up common tourist traps like seeing the Hollywood sign and the walk of fame but first we did a little shopping. We hit up La Brea and Fairfax where all the scenester shops are.

We drove by Rodeo Drive without going in. Luis Vuitton luggage wasn't budgeted into our travel expenses.

This is what I probably look like taking photos during my road trip.

My friend Arnette came all the way up from San Diego to hang out and show us around.

She was awesome, she took us out for some yummy Mexican food and showed us all the shops you'll find at

We checked out to the walk of fame before we got really sick of the tourists.

This is the most unusual food I've come across so far-Cheeseburger Eggrolls???

This is either a) American Apparel Alert or b) emo rock band practice

This is a bill board ad for Canada. If you really want to show off Canada, please don't make it look like torrential rainfall. (Yes, Vancouver does look like this but c'mon)

We capped off the evening with an Italian horror film.

It was a mellow day in Los Angeles, I'm not sure what else I really want to see...